5 Sure Strategies to Maximize your Personal Productivity
Sustaining changes depends on our mental state and how you think (Philosophies) and how you behave to make it a habit or (Routines). Philoso

8 Obstacles preventing you from Maximizing your Personal Producticity
Personal Productivity is our main tool to success, happiness, self satisfaction and fulfillment. Many attribute Personal Productivity as...

5 Pitfalls Entrepreneurs to get rid of for good!
Are you stuck in a job that you do not really like? Are you living day after day dragging your feet? Are you afraid to ask for that...

5 Reasons why you will not keep your 2017 Resolutions!
The biggest mistake people make are setting New Year’s resolutions, as if it is a magical wand that will change their lives, behaviors, beli

Why we do what we do understanding Self-motivation?
This post is about intrinsic motivation and self determination in human behavior, and why is self-motivation important. I will share 15...

Reinventing the Generational Gap
Last week, I had the pleasure to present a session for "University of Phoenix - Nursing School" about Reinventing & Bridging the...

2 Emotions' principle to use for Motivation
Last blog about Passion & Purpose lead me to blog about what to do next, and how can we make our oassion and ourpose work for us? You can...

How to set your goals using a mindshift?
The first quarter of teh year os about to end. The question is how far are you in your New Year’s goals and resolutions? Did you achieve...

How to find your Passion?
10 Tips to Find Your Passion In the last post, I discussed Purpose, and its relationship to Passion. The best leaders are the ones with...

What is your Purpose & Passion?
3 Clues For Finding Your Purpose & Passion Many confuse passion and purpose, they are not one and the same; you find your purpose and you...